Friday, October 17, 2008

I have HSP!

I finally have a diagnosis. This describes exactly what I have been dealing with since I can remember.

Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP). "This term is used to describe a group of rare, inherited neurological disorders along the motor neuron disease continuum whose primary symptom is progressive spasticity (stiffness) and weakness of the leg and hip muscles. HSP is caused by degeneration of the upper motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. The main symptom of HSP is progressive difficulty walking due to increasingly weak spastic leg muscles. Initial symptoms include difficulty with balance and stubbing the toe or stumbling."

There is a 50% chance that I can pass this to Dagan. Doctors aren't sure if it happens more in boys or girls. But since only my mom and I have it and we have no boys in the immediate family to compare to, it's a wait and see what happens kinda of thing.

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